Saturday, 16 March 2013

Taking control during the meeting

Before discussion about the control of meeting,  we go to see a video firstly which displays a awful situation - Conference Call Goes Out of Control.

High technology brings more convenient for mobile communication but it brings more challenge to control meeting as well. In this chapter, I will focus on how to control in normal meeting but I will extend to discuss the impact of High Tech in a separate chapter.
From the video, we are easy to find out some errors the meeting holder made as below. He totally lost control of meeting at the beginning and cannot start his meeting.

a)      Sent meeting invitation on last Friday
      b)      Gave less time to participate for preparation
      c)       Held conference call in non-working time
      d)      Did not get alignment of meeting schedule

Firstly, make sure meeting environment is free from distractions. Meeting holder must take 20 minutes in advance to check facilities are workable including meeting room, chairs, projector, conference phone, computer, and net. This action will enable meeting to start on time. Additionally, meeting holder need to pay more attention to environment of participates and ensure they can join meeting in a non-distraction place. We learn from above video that the meeting will lose control if we don't notice the environment.

Secondly, start on time, nail the intro and focus on agenda. Start on time, do not waste time to wait for somebody  or repeat something which has been mentioned before someone join. Otherwise,  you show disrespect  for  punctual persons.  Go in with a strong opening and you'll feel more confident throughout. Make sure it covers your main talking points and follow your agenda.

Thirdly, get people involved and avoid the digressions.
Mostly, people will not connect with all topics closely and will zone out.  So go into the meeting with just three ideas, thoughts, or points. Once you find someone mentally drift away, you can ask him or her some question or opinion.  But we often encounter digressions or conflicts during the meeting which drive us to meaningless arguments. If so, stop it timely and get back the control. You can write down the valuable arguments and reschedule a meeting to discuss it within the small group. Try to follow the timeline of agenda to finish all items and do not waste time to focus on one topic even through it is important. I attached a video link which is especially for meeting Chairs, Susan Leahy M.A. teaches how to make powerful interventions to handle difficult meeting situations.How to Be an Effective Chair (What to say when...)

Last but not least,  call to action and write down key points by topics. What is the action you want your meeting attendees to take? Most meetings end and nobody is sure what the next steps are. Make sure everyone knows exactly what the next action is. Write down action owners,  action items , agreements, and pending items.

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